Plan B taught Ny how to write her songs as stories

Plan B taught Ny how to write her songs as stories
The 22-year-old artist ' real name Nyomi Gray ' has been a fixture on the British grime and urban music scene for years, but is only now starting a solo career, and said rapper Plan B has played a huge part in helping her realise her skills.

She told BANG showbiz: "I can't even big Plan B up enough, he's incredible at writing, producing, rapping, paying guitar, and when you can do all those things you can't not be amazing.

"I've known him for over ten years and he's always helping and nurturing, particularly on my writing, he's very story based and he can always think of different ways to write, when I first started he spent a lot of time playing guitar riffs with me and helping me pick out melodies."

The 'Be With You' singer added that while her songs are story based like those of her 'She Said' hitmaker mentor, she has a different lyrical inspiration, taking episodes from her own life.

She added: "My songs definitely always have a story, Plan B's are usually fictional, whereas mine are based on like my life or friends that I know, so in that way we differ.

"Sometimes people are surprised when they are in the songs, because we all have a perception of people's lives and I'm an artist who is still a real person, I've grown up and gone through different things like teenage dramas, home life, family problems, things most people go through, so I think people can relate."

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