How to monitor/track Adsense clicks - Invalid Clicks detection tutorial

I recently got my Adsense account, having over 1200$, disabled due to Invalid Clicks Activity. As you know that when your account gets disabled, you get only once chance to appeal with all the proofs that you didn't click on your own ads and someone click bombed on your ads. Unfortunately, I didn't have any proof about those invalid clicks as I never monitored my Adsense clicks activity on my site. If your account gets disabled and you appeal to Google with all invalid clicks logs, then chances are your account will get reinstated. So how to monitor those invalid clicks? 

It's actually possible to track your visitors' AdSense clicks in real time and even get advanced info on each person that clicked an ad in the process, including the IP address, country of origin, network/ISP s/he is connecting from and even full browsing history for your site including browsing pattern/history for each user, and even the number of clicks on ads s/he did (including multiple clicks on the same ad. 

First, sign up at [It's free] is a visitors analytics service but it is really much more detailed than Google Analytics as among other features it allows you to track AdSense clicks. There are limitations to the free version: it only "remembers" the last 500 site visitors, though that should be enough for our purposes (alternatively you can always upgrade to a pro version that remembers the last 5,500 visitors or even more visitors if you pay more.)

  • After your' signed up, Login using your username and password.
  • Click Add New Project
  • On the next screen, fill out the form and click Next>
  • After that, click CONFIGURE AND INSTALL CODE to get the code of your statscounter that you will have to put inside your website's code.
  • Now choose style of your Stats Counter. I prefer INVISIBLE COUNTER. Click Next> to proceed to the next step.
  • Now choose your Website's Editor service from the drop-down list. E.g if your site is on Blogger, then choose Blogger/Blogspot. If it's on Wordpress, Choose Wordpress from the list. If your Website service isn't listed, choose Default Install Guide and insert the code anywhere after <body> and before </body> starting/closing tags for your site's html/php code. 
After you've successfully installed the code, Statcounter will start to give you visits data in real time without any delays. So you'll instantly get stats, logs, etc. There's a lot of wonderful features to explore there, but what we need here is a way to see AdSense clickthroughs. So

Click on My projects at the top left of the site and select the project you just created earlier. Now from the left panel, under STATISTICS heading, Click Exit Link Activity
From here you can see all the latest clicks occurring on your website. You can click on the magnifying glass to see the information of the person who clicked any AdSense ad (including browsing pattern, where they came from, which pages they accessed and more.
That's it. If you use this method and spend a few hours tracking the AdSense clicks in real time you'll be able to identify click patterns for different ads and pages and even countries. If you ever find any suspicious clicks activity, immediately report to Google with the suspicious ip's and anything that is relevant.

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