Favicon is the small logo that appears beside your website's title on the tab of your address bar. When i started this blog, I used several guides around the web on how to add favicon to blogger but the problem I noticed later that the favicon was not appearing on Google Chrome, Internet Explorer or on any other browsers. It was only appearing on Mozilla Firefox. So how to fix it? If you are facing the same problem, i,e blogger favicon does not appear on Google Chrome or Internet Exlorer then just follow the simple steps below and your problem will be solved in couple of minutes.
Go to you blogger Dashboard>>Design>>Edit HTML
Look for </head> tag in your template. [Tip: You can search for this code by pressing CTRL + F on your keyboard] and just above/before </head> paste the following code
<link href='Your_Favicon_Link' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/x-icon'/><link href='Your_Favicon_Link' rel='icon' type='image/x-icon'/>
Replace Your_Favicon_Link in the above code with the url of your favicon image. Now your favicon will appear on all browsers. . .
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