LCD TV Installation

This LCD television comes in various sizes and from a number of different manufacturers. They can be mounted on a wall or can stand alone placed on a table or bookshelf.
LCD TV Location: Find where you want to mount the LCD TV. Mark with a pencil using the straight line.
LCD TV Installation: Pull off the plastic cover. They are on the back of the television. Lay the face of television in the table on a towel or blanket. Take the stud finder to locate studs in the wall. Stud is a support beam that goes up and down wooded in the back wall. Hold the horizontal wall stud finder, stud finder to move back and forth until you hear a beep. Usually the studs about 6 inches apart and about 2 inches. Mark the studs with a pencil.
Place the bracket on the wall. The position of the holes for the screws on the bracket with the screw holes on television. Secure the bracket to the wall. Mark with a pencil. Take the original measure and mark the spot where the bottom bracket will be located. Take a ruler and draw a straight line to mark the bottom bracket. Use a stud finder and find the necessary buttons. Mark with a pencil. This is where you will position the bracket. Measure the height of the television and mark it, from bottom to top row, with a pencil on the wall.
Remove the bracket from the back of the television. Hold the parts close to the wall. Place the bottom bracket to the bottom of the wall. Adjust until the mounting screw holes line up with the middle button. Mark each stud with a pencil. Use a drill and start the starter hole for each screw. Hole close to the wall bracket and screw on tightly to the wall mounting screws. Connect the TV bracket to the wall bracket. Tighten the brackets together.
Cable connections: Connect the TV to a cable service. Cable arrangements will vary for each manufacture TV and stereo. Plug the cord into an electrical outlet. Read the LCD TV menu and follow the instructions to set up a television. In the manual there are steps to adjust fo color, brightness and backlight TV.

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