So you have got a blog along with a YouTube channel with some ineresting and funk videos and you want people to subscribe to your channel more easily? Well, here's a gadget I found out which you can put on your Blog that will show your YouTube's channel name with all the counts of your uploaded videos and number of subscribers with the button that says 'Subscribe' so that your visitors can easily subscribe to your videos without leaving your blog. See the screenshot below to have an idea how the gadget will actually look like.
Cool eh? So how to get this YouTube Subscribe Gadget To Blogger to blogger? It's pretty easy when you have the code.
<iframe src= style="overflow: hidden; height: 150px; width: 300px; border: 0;" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Copy the above code and go to your Blogger Dashboard then to Design. Now click Add a Gadget wherever you want to place your gadget. Once the pop up window opens, scroll down and select HTML/JavaScript. Paste the above code there. Wait! Don't click on SAVE yet. You have to make some necessary changes. In the above code, replace enter-your-youutbe-username-here with your YouTube username and change px of width and height according to your needs.
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