This just won't go away

It seems Chad Johnson will have his trial extended with Sporting KC until Monday. This gives the SKC coaching staff the opportunity to see Johnson in a MLS reserve game. I feel like I'm the only person who is staunchly against this. I've said before that it undermines and demeans what the rest of the team and rest of MLS/soccer players in America do. I feel it's a slap in the face that a 33-year old American football player who hasn't played competitive soccer in over 15-years can get this much attention. I also think it shows the lack of soccer knowledge and awareness when MLS fans are crying out for him to be signed. On what basis should he be signed over an actual soccer player who has spent his life devoted to the game? Is it because of his name? The fact four or five more people may show up, but still not give a shit? Give me a break. Yes, I understand the PR move. But again I feel he is demeaning the sport I love. This isn't dribbling a soccer ball slowly for 10-yards or doing some keepy-ups on the sidelines in an NFL stadium. Lets not forget he does this for the attention. This is a fast paced sport that is more methodical and thought out than the sport in which he comes from. There are no breaks after five seconds and players are leaner and lighter. There's no sprinting down the field catching a ball and falling down. There's no celebrating menial basic plays that you're suppose to do (i.e. make a tackle or run for a first down). The MLS Super Draft shows us every year that athletic/low skill players come to MLS and typically go bust in pre-season or after one or two years sitting on the bench in MLS. The only difference here is the name, and he'll only play in a match (if signed) for PR purposes.

A big question I have is if you're going to sign 33-year old Chad Johnson and be serious about the team, why didn't Sporting sign Juan Pablo Angel in the off-season; or another mid-30's SOCCER player that was available? I'm almost positive Sporting will sign Johnson for the PR move. I'm sure they're printing up the stupid shirts already. It would be the big splash they want to make opening their new stadium. Sure why not have the supporters' section clad in blue 85 shirts for a guy who will sit on the bench for a majority of the season.

Prior to the Kansas City Wizards changing their name/identity to Sporting KC I said I wasn't sure if I'd continue to support the club, because I didn't like the way they were treating the supporters who have been with the team since the beginning. Though, I kept supporting. However, I'm so dumbfounded in this PR stunt/trial/signing that I am truly becoming disillusioned with this team. I hope for soccer's sake this won't happen. It makes soccer in America look like anyone can be a professional in the league which is a ridiculous notion to put out.

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