Steven Gerrard: Liverpool is better without Fernando Torres

Liverpool skipper Steven Gerrard who earlier said that he is disappointed after disappearance of Fernando Torres from the team, now says that Liverpool are better off having sold Fernando Torres to and bring in Andy Carroll and Luis Suarez. Many felt the Reds had got the raw end of the deal when Torres joined Chelsea in a �50million deal on transfer deadline day, while Kenny Dalglish moved to bring in Suarez from Ajax and Carroll from Newcastle for a British record fee of �35million. Torres is still yet to score for Chelsea since his transfer for Liverpool to Chelsea fro heavy amount of money. Gerrard said 
"But I think Liverpool are in a better position having two top forwards instead of one. I enjoyed playing behind Fernando but if you said I could have Fernando on form or Andy Carroll and Luis Suarez on form, I would take the two over one."

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