New England 2 -DC United 1

If week 1 was about terrible defence then week 2 was about awful referring in the New England-DC United match. Though New England controlled the game in the first half both their goals were awarded due to questionable calls. The first came on a blantant handball by Zack Schilawski before he poked it home for the first New England goal. Referee Baldomero Toledo, like he normal does, influenced this match and it's outcome. Funnily enough, in Europe and Asia most people would think he is in on the fix. Honestly, with people outside of America able to bet on MLS matches I don't see why that would be inconceivable.

New England would get their second goal following another bad call by Mr. Toledo. As the ball dropped to Dax McCarty in the 18-yard box he readied himself to clear it. But as he did Rev player Pat Phelan came running in and jumped into McCarty. Normally this would be a foul on Phelan for jumping into McCarty, but not to Mr. Toledo. An immediate penalty was given and converted by Shalrie Joesph, 2-0 Revs.

DC United finally got into the game in the second half and their two liveliest players were Chris Pontius and Fred. Both combining on a few occasions, but in the end shooting over the bar. Late in the match it would be DC's turn for a questionable call. A free kick outside of the box was given to United. As the ball was played in a New England defender and DC United player came together with hands on each and feet tangled up. As soon as both players went down the whistle was blown and Mr. Toledo again pointed to the spot; where Charlie Davies would convert and score his third goal in two. But Mr. Toledo wasn't done there. As the game winded through stoppage-time an incident between Dejan Jakovic, Matt Reis and Ryan Cochrane ended with Jakovic seeing red. This was a ridiculous way to end a ridiculously refereed match. This was all handbags and nothing malicious. Just some frustration boiling over.

In the end Mr. Toledo did his usual take charge decide the outcome-I'm the most important one here job. The true is this match should have ended 0-0 with neither team doing much as all three goals came from bad officiating. Because of the officiating this game didn't look like top-flight football, rather it looked like something you'd see in the high school game.

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