Interesting Facts about Women

Here are some Interesting Facts about women collected from different sources around the web. Enjoy
  • More women talk dirty than men
  • A Saudi Arabian wife can get divorce if her husband doesn't make her coffee.
  • Women DON'T want an honest answer when they ask: 'How do I look?'
  • It is illegal to be a pro****** if your name is Mary, in Sienna, Italy.
  • Two women hold the record for the world's highest IQ in a test.
  • S** is more emotional for women and more physical for men.
  • Women are never wrong, apologizing is man's responsibility.
  • When a woman answers she's fine after a few seconds, she's not fine.
  • Women use more perfume than men on average.
  • The average number of items in a woman's bathroom is 437 and men are not able to recognize most of them.

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