Has article marketing ended by the Google's Algorithm Change?

With recent change in Google Algorithm ,Can we say that the article marketing has ended? which has seen article directories like Ezine and hubpages to suffer dramatically. Well there are diverse opinions about it but I am going to share my own experiences about all this.

To be honest, the behavior from the contact support of Ezinearticles.com has amazed me a lot. I had worked on ezinearticles.com for at least 4 years and never faced such a rude response from their contact support but when Google changed its algorithm, no matter how many article I submitted all of them were rejected promptly. This was surely a new thing for me because I had submitted more than 5000 articles on ezine and got very few rejections. However, when I contacted them about the exact reason of the rejections, they answered me in a very inappropriate manner and to make matters worse mu client also stopped giving me free lance work about articles submitting on ezine.

Following are the exact changes before and after Google changed its algorithm

Before Change in Algorithm
After Change in Algorithm
Minimum Word Count
Minimum Word Count
0% Copy
Each Article with different concept and idea
This means that if you write about Aids then you need to write each article with a different concept which is almost impossible
Support %
Rude and Very Ill Tampered L

However, I as a free lancer suffered in the start but got my feet back on stability by starting doing article work for SEO people and by keeping this thing in mind, I would advise all you people who are free lancers and article writers to start working for SEO people because they have not changed their attitude after Google algorithm change but instead they are hungry for more as with the new Algorithm, websites that create more unique content would come on higher positions in search engines.

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