From Celtic's manager Neil Lennon's comments it's hard to think they'd sign him. Everything Lennon has said is DeRo's coming into train, he's not a top target, but if he turns our heads will think about it. I thought one comment was very interesting that Lennon made saying, "He's a player who has been put to me." Obviously, scouts or agents have been in contact with the club. But more importantly are TFC so displeased with DeRo as their team leader, check signing goal celebration and want for more money that they are activily looking to rid themselves of him? Not to long ago we heard rumors of San Jose and TFC trying to work out a trade. Perhaps DeRo's time in Toronto is up, and more importantly are MLS teams uninterested in bringing him in.
I think it's worth noting that Mo Johnston is a former Celtic player and I maybe reading more into this than should be, but has Johnston who has influence in Scotland put the word to Celtic. Does he still have any pull with TFC behind the scenes? Remember it was Johnston who was able to get Maurice Edu an opportunity with Rangers. He may well be doing the same for DeRo.
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