Apple is blocking the ability to save SHSH Blobs

Info: An SHSH Blob is basically what Apple uses to verify the version of iOS you are running. That�s why its is advised to save your SHSH Blobs before upgrading your firmware on your iDevice. If you don't do so, you might not be able to downgrade your idevice to a previous version
According the tweet by iPhone Dev-Team member, MuscleNerd, Apple is making harder to restore devices' firmware to previous versions with saved SHSH blobs. Here's what he tweeted:
Until now we could restore to any previous version on our idevices as long as we have saved SHSH blobs using TinyUmbrella or any other similar tool. But now it seems that Apple is making things harder and harder. iPhone Dev-Team explains this in more details on their blog:
It looks like Apple is about to aggressively combat the �replay attacks� that have until now allowed users to use iTunes to restore to previous firmware versions using saved SHSH blobs.
Those of you who have been jailbreaking for a while have probably heard us periodically warn you to �save your blobs� for each firmware using either Cydia or TinyUmbrella (or even the �copy from /tmp during restore� method for advanced users). Saving your blobs for a given firmware on your specific device allows you to restore *that* device to *that* firmware even after Apple has stopped signing it. That�s all about to change. 
Starting with the iOS5 beta, the role of the �APTicket� is changing � it�s being used much like the �BBTicket� has always been used. The LLB and iBoot stages of the boot sequence are being refined to depend on the authenticity of the APTicket, which is uniquely generated at each and every restore (in other words, it doesn�t depend merely on your ECID and firmware version�it changes every time you restore, based partly on a random number). This APTicket authentication will happen at every boot, not just at restore time. Because only Apple has the crypto keys to properly sign the per-restore APTicket, replayed APTickets are useless. 
This will only affect restores starting at iOS5 and onward, and Apple will be able to flip that switch off and on at will (by opening or closing the APTicket signing window for that firmware, like they do for the BBTicket). geohot�s limera1n exploit occurs before any of this new checking is done, so tethered jailbreaks will still always be possible for devices where limera1n applies. Also, restoring to pre-5.0 firmwares with saved blobs will still be possible (but you�ll soon start to need to use older iTunes versions for that). Note that iTunes ultimately is *not* the component that matters�s the boot sequence on the device starting with the LLB. 
Although it�s always been just �a matter of time� before Apple started doing this (they�ve always done this with the BBTicket), it�s still a significant move on Apple�s part (and it also dovetails with certain technical requirements of their upcoming OTA �delta� updates).
Note: although there may still be ways to combat this, a beta period is really not the time or place to discuss them. We�re just letting you know what Apple has already done in their exisiting beta releases � they�ve stepped up their game!

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